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About Us

PFLAG Carson Region

PFLAG Carson Region was founded by a group of six people in 2007 and is currently supporting all of Northern Nevada. Our mission is to advocate, educate, and support the Northern Nevada LGBTQ+ community.

What We Do

PFLAG Carson Region is currently ADVOCATING for the LGBTQ community at many levels. Our advocacy includes co-sponsoring “Equality Day” at the Nevada Legislature.

PFLAG Carson Region EDUCATES by sponsoring symposiums and forums. This includes educating school staff and teachers on creating safe learning environments for the LGBTQ children in the Nevada school systems. PFLAG Carson Region training also helps provide safe and affirming experiences when receiving medical care by members of the LGBTQ+ community. We provide professional and individual training for government, medical, school, mental health, and corporate organizations.

PFLAG Carson Region SUPPORTS the LGBTQ community with support groups. They also refer individuals to health professionals in Northern Nevada. Through an extensive network of organizations in Northern Nevada, PFLAG Carson Region is able to find services for these individuals. PFLAG Carson Region also holds monthly meetings to support the LGBTQ community and their families. PFLAG meets at 6:30 p.m. every fourth Thursday of the month. Meetings are currently held on Zoom (please contact Sherrie if you are interested).

Meet Our Board